International Center of Mental Health Policy and Economics

Seventeenth Workshop on Costs and Assessment in Psychiatry


Venice, Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista
March 28-30, 2025


FRIDAY, March 28, 2025


5.00p.m.  –  6.00p.m.        REGISTRATION

6.00p.m.                            OPENING SESSION

                                           WILLARD MANNING AWARD   


SATURDAY, March 29, 2025





Chair: Kathleen Carey (USA)


·       Rowena Jacobs, Amy Barker, Adriana Castelli, Jinyang Chen, Maria Goddard, Nils Gutacker, Anne Mason, Maria Ana Matias, Adrián Villaseńor (UK): Estimating the Marginal Cost of Improving Mental Healthcare Quality in the English NHS.

·       Denise M Hynes, AS Namwase, DJ Govier, E Mace, KC Thomas (USA): Variation in Chronic Care Management Services for People with Mental Health Conditions in Oregon, 2017-2019.​

·       Andrew Anderson, Stas Spivak, Alene Kennedy Hendricks (USA):  The National Availability of Mobile Crisis Services in Mental Health Treatment Facilities in the United States.

·       Mark K. Meiselbach, Teneil Brown, Jianhui Xu, Daniel Polsky (USA): Medicare Advantage Disenrollment Decisions Following New Depression Diagnoses.


Discussant: Haiden Huskamp (USA)





Chair: Karoline Mortensen (USA)


·       Felipe Lozano-Rojas, Amanda J. Abraham, Sumedha Gupta, David Bradford (USA): The Effect of Medical Cannabis Laws on Use of Pain Medications Among Commercially Insured Patients in the United States.

·       Felipe Lozano-Rojas, Amanda J. Abraham (USA): Changes in the Utilization of Mental Health Medications among the Medicaid Population Following the Introduction of Medical and Recreational Cannabis.

·       Joseph J. Sabia (USA): E-Cigarette Taxation and Queer Youth.


Discussants: Cecilia S. Diaz-Campo (USA), Jeffrey S. McCullough (USA), Dhaval Dave (USA)




Chair: Marjorie Baldwin (USA)


·       Claire de Oliveira, Margaret Jamieson, Sergio Andrés López Bohle (Canada): Mental Health as a Determinant of Work: A Scoping Review on the Impact of Mental Health on Precarious Employment.

·       Mustafa Karakus, Jeffrey Taylor, Jarnee Riley, Howard Goldman, Finn Teach (USA): Does Initial Severity of Mental Health Status Help Explain Variations in Employment and Health over Time among Supported Employment Recipients?

·       Catherine K. Ettman, Grace V. Ringlein, Raj Satpathy, Elizabeth A. Stuart, Sandro Galea (USA): Financial Assets and Mental Health After Job Loss.

·       Dennis Wienand, Guy M. Goodwin, Judit Simon (Austria): Lost Productivity Associated with the Excess Physical Disease Burden of Severe Mental Health Disorders in 32 European Countries.


Discussant: Dominic Hodgkin (USA)




Chair: Paul McCrone (UK)


·       Luis Salvador-Carulla, S Rosenberg, S Lukersmith (Australia): Paving the Road to Comparative Effectiveness: A Metaframework, Tools and Ontoterminology.

·       Giulio Castelpietra, Morena Furlan, Loriana Frattini, Alessandra Oretti (Italy): Integrated and Standardised Directory of Adult Mental Health Services in the Trieste Region (Italy).

·       Mencia Ruiz Gutierrez-Colosia, JA Salinas-Perez, MA Furst, J Mendoza, F Gonzalez-Saiz, L Salvador-Carulla (Spain): Mapping and Gapping Regional Care for Addictions and for Mental Health in Australia and Andalusia (Spain) to Inform Integration Strategies.

·       Salinas-Perez JA, Luis Salvador-Carulla, MA Furst, H Tabatabaei-Jafari, J Mendoza, M Ruiz Gutierrez-Colosia (Australia): Regional Patterns of Mental Health Care in Australia and Western Europe.


Discussant: Marcela Horvitz-Lennon (USA




Chair: Rowena Jacobs (UK)


·       Benjamin Le Cook, Michael Flores, Rajendra Aldis, Margaret Weiss (USA): Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Community-Based Screening and Support Intervention on Reducing Youth Mental Health Treatment Disparities.

·       Jason Gibbons, Benjamin Le Cook, Sachini Bandara, Brendan Saloner (USA): Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Harm Reduction Services: Findings from the VOICES Survey.

·       Rhucha Samudra, Marlo Vernon, Gianluca De Leo, Vardges Hovhannisyan, Vahé Heboyan (USA): Effect of Medicaid Recipiency on Mental Health Seeking Behavior Among Black and Hispanic Women.

·       Michael William Flores, Amanda Sharp, Anjali Thakrar, Benjamin Lę Cook (USA): Medicaid Expansion and Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Medication for Opioid Use Disorder Among Adults Accessing Substance Use Treatment for Illicit Opioid Use.


Discussant: Luis Salvador-Carulla (Australia)




Chair: David Bradford (USA)


·       W. David Bradford, Cecilia S. Diaz-Campo (USA): Pharmacy Market Structure and the Opioid Epidemic.

·       Marisa Elena Domino, Pope Moseley, Raminta Daniulaityte, Nell Robbins, Dhruv Modi and Michael Jobin (USA): Identifying the Impact of Extreme Heat on People with Behavioral Health Conditions.

·       Michael French and Karoline Mortensen (USA): Is a Distressed Birth Associated with Physical and Mental Health Problems As an Adult? Evidence from Panel Data.


Discussants: Joseph J. Sabia (USA), Felipe Lozano-Rojas (USA), Joanne Spetz (USA)



Chair: Anthony O. Ahmed (USA)

·       Annie Yu-An Chen, Kimberley H. Geissler (USA): Association of Organization Size and Receipt of Care for Those with Schizophrenia.

·       Michael I. Cooper, Abigail F. Grimm, Suepriya Adhikari, John E. Zeber, Kimberley H.Geissler (USA): Care Continuity and Outcomes for those with Schizophrenia: Systematic Review.

·       Marcela Horvitz-Lennon, L Han,  B Buzzee, K Zelevinsky, D Agniel, M Rubinstein, R Pandey, S-L Normand (USA): Race/Ethnicity and the Causal Relationship of Social Disadvantage with Mortality among Elderly Medicare Beneficiaries with Schizophrenia.

·       Paul McCrone, Evdoxia Gkaintatzi, Thomas Ward, Thomas K.J. Craig, Philippa A. Garety (UK): Economic Evaluation of Digitally Supported Therapy for People with Psychosis Who Hear Distressing Voices: The AVATAR 2 Trial.


Discussant:  Claire de Oliveira (Canada)




Chair: Mark Ferro (Canada)


·       Megan B. Cole, Jihye Kim (USA): The Impact of Medicaid Accountable Care Organizations on Mental Health Screening and Treatment Among Pregnant and Postpartum People.

·       Vahé Heboyan, Marlo Vernon, Rhucha Samudra, Gianluca De Leo (USA): Association Between Economic Well-Being and Mental Health Outcomes among Pregnant Women in the United States: Results from the 2022 National Survey on Drug Use and Health.

·       Julia Kern, I. Zechmeister-Koss; M. Edlinger, C. Hörtnagl, J. Paul, A. Lampe (Austria): Mental Health Benefit Uptake of Women Before and During the Perinatal Period in Austria.

·       Kalpa Pisavadia, Kodchawan Doungsong, Victory Ezeofor, Llinos Haf Spencer, Lorna Tuersley, Catherine Best, Rose Meades, Una Hutton, Patricia Moran, Judy Shakespeare, Susan Ayers, Rhiannon Tudor Edwards and the MAP ALLIANCE study team* (UK): The Health Service Utilisation and Costs of Perinatal Anxiety: A Cost of Illness Analysis.


Discussant: Kathleen C. Thomas (USA)





Chair: Antoni Serrano Blanco (Spain)


·       Robert Smith (USA):Addressing the Crisis in Mental Health Care and Medicine.

·       Sverre Grepperud and Yngve Arner (Norway): Specialist Exodus from the Public Mental Healthcare Sector.

·       Kiersten L. Strombotne, Daniel Lipsey, Fernando Gomez-Mattar, Kathleen Carey, Samantha Auty, Brian W. Stanley, and Steven D. Pizer (USA): The Impact of Shocks to Provider Productivity on Suicide-Related Events.


Discussant: Ming Tai-Seale (USA)





Chair: Michael French (USA)


·       Joanne Spetz, Laurie Hailer, Matthew Tierney, Bethany Phoenix, Susan Chapman (USA): State Regulations and Co-Location of Opioid Treatment Prescribers.

·       Jeffrey S. McCullough (USA): Health Consequences of Strategic Delay in the Pharmaceutical Industry: The Effect of the Suboxone Product Hop on Opioid Overdose.

·       Dhaval Dave, Bilge Erten, Pinar Keskin, Shuo Zhang (USA): From Addiction to Aggression: The Spillover Effects of Opioid Policies on Intimate Partner Violence.


Discussants: Amanda Abraham (USA), Christoph Kronenberg (Germany), Risha Gidwani (USA)




Chair: Judit Simon (Austria)


·       Leona Hakkaart-van Roijen1, Stijn Peeters, Frederick Thielen, and Tim Kanters (NL): Update Guidelines and Costing Manual for Economic Evaluations; Taking a Societal Perspective.

·       Lene Halling Hastrup, Poul Jennum, Jakob Kjellberg, Rikke Ibsen, and Erik Simonsen (Denmark): Societal costs of Borderline Personality Disorders: a Danish Register Based Case-control Study.

·       Hans-Helmut König, Claudia Konnopka, Katja Nettermann, Alicia Başoğlu, Ursula Marschall, Dirk Horenkamp-Sonntag, André Karch, Georg Romer, Sophie Gottschalk (Germany): Healthcare Costs Associated with Gender Dysphoria in Germany: A Prevalence-Based Analysis Using Statutory Health Insurance Data.

·       Korteling, S., Ten Have, M. , Thielen, F., Van Dorsselaer, S.,Tuithof, M., Luik, A., Ben F.M. Wijnen (NL): Trends in the Economic Burden of Mental Disorders Over Time: Results from the Netherlands Mental Health Survey and Incidence Study-2 and Study-3.


Discussant: Paul McCrone (UK)




Chair: Sharon-Lise Theresa Normand (USA)


·       Kimberly Geissler, Meng-Shiou Shieh, Barry Sarvet, Jessica Pearlman, Sarah Goff (USA): Reform in U.S. Public Insurance and Pediatric Behavioral Healthcare Utilization.

·       Mark A. Ferro, Ailin Jalili, Christy K. Y. Chan (Canada): A Prospective Study of Mental Health Service Use among Children with Chronic Physical Illness.

·       Lindsay Overhage, Nicole M. Benson, Alex McDowell, Benjamin Lę Cook, Meredith Rosenthal (USA): Emergency Department Boarding of Youth with Acute Mental Health Concerns: Association Between Inpatient Psychiatric Admission and Subsequent Service Use.

·       George L. Wehby and Wei Lyu (USA): Effects of the Pandemic Child Tax Credit Expansions and Stimulus Checks on Parental and Children’s Mental Health Status in the United States.


Discussant: Megan Cole Brahim (USA)




Chair: Jennifer Humensky (NIH/NIMH, USA)


·       Jacob Jorem, Ateev Mehrotra, Alisa Busch, Haiden Huskamp (USA): Did Telemedicine Adoption Increase the Geographic Reach of Mental Health Specialists?

·       Joshua Breslau, Caroline Blaum, Nev Jones, Daniela Lawton, Feifei Ye, Xiaofei Zhou, Sarah Sweeney, Julie Siebert (USA): Patient Centered Outcome Measures: Driving Care That Matters to People.


Discussant: Kimberley Geissler (USA)




Chair: Lene Halling Hastrup (DK)


·       Paul McCrone (UK): Economic Analysis of Improving Experiences for People Detained under the Mental Health Act in the UK: Findings from the CO-PACT Study.

·       Elżbieta Buczak-Stec, Hans-Helmut König, Jochen Gensichen, Christian Brettschneider (Germany): Cost-effectiveness of Multicentre Primary-Care Based Randomized Controlled Trial on PTSD Symptoms in ICU Survivals.

·       N. Mulfinger, T.Waldmann, P. Angerer, Y. Erim, N.R. Hander, M. Hansmann, R. Herold, C. Kröger, E. Rothermund, J. Weber, friaa study group, R. Kilian (Germany): The Cost-Utility of an Intervention for Employees with Common Mental Disorders in Germany: A Health Economic Evaluation of a Multicentre Randomised Controlled Trial.

·       Ping He, Wanshang Wang (China): Cost-Effectiveness of Community-based Integrated Care Model for Patients with Diabetes and Depressive Symptoms: Cluster Randomized Trial.


Discussant: Leona Hakkaart-van Roijen (NL)




Chair: Andrew Anderson (USA)


·       DP Bui, M Niederhausen, AW Hickok, DJ Govier, M Rowneki, JC Naylor, E Hawkins, EJ Boyko,
TJ Iwashyna, EM Viglianti, GN Ioannou, JI Chen, Denise M. Hynes (USA):
Post-COVID-19 Suicide Attempts and Self-Directed Violence: Using Latent Class Analysis to Identify Those at Greatest Risk.

·       Matthew Eisenberg, Yimin Ge, Alene Kennedy-Hendricks, Kate Leifheit, Sabriya Linton, Craig Pollack (USA): Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 Eviction Moratoriums on Substance Use and Mental Health Treatment Engagement.

·       Catherine K. Ettman, Grace V. Ringlein, Priya Dohlman, Jason Straub, Carly Lupton Brantner, Elizabeth T. Chin, Sazal Sthapit, Elena Badillo Goicoechea, Ramin Mojtabai, Michael Albert, Stanislav Spivak, Theodore J. Iwashyna, Fernando S. Goes, Elizabeth A. Stuart, Peter P. Zandi (USA): Trends in Telehealth Use Across Area Deprivation During snd After the COVID-19 State of Emergency.

·       Vincent Lorant, Pablo Nicaise, Pierre Smith, Wagner Silva-Ribeiro, A-La Park, David McDaid (Belgium): Balancing Health and Mental Health in a Pandemic: A Discrete Choice Experiment in 8 EU Countries.


Discussant: Alisa B. Busch (USA




Chair: Elisa Rissanen (Finland)

·       Kathleen C. Thomas, Annis IE, deJong NA, Christian R, Davis SA, Hughes PM, Sleath BL, Hynes DM, Graaf G, Ruble L, Adams L (USA): PROMIS Self-Report Quality of Life Scores Distinguish Subgroups of Youth with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.

·       Leonarda G. M. Bremmers; Prof. Dr. Leona Hakkaart-van Roijen (NL): Enhancing Timely Access to Specialized Mental Healthcare for Children: Development and Validation of the Decision Tool Youth for Use in the Primary Health and Social Care Setting in the Netherlands.

·       Yara M. Meijer, Ben F.M. Wijnen, Anne Kleijburg, Hanneke Valkenburg, Anouk de Gee, Laura Shields‑Zeeman, Frederick W. Thielen (NL): Health-Economic Model for Cost-Effectiveness of Preventive Interventions in Children of Mentally Ill Parents.


Discussant: Hans-Helmut König (Germany)




Chair: Mark Meiselbach (USA)

·       Alisa B. Busch, Sharon-Lise T. Normand, Constance M. Horgan, Shelly F, Haiden A. Huskamp, Sharon Reif S (USA): Medications for Opioid and Alcohol Use Disorder in Outpatient Behavioral Health Treatment Programs: National Estimates of Availability & Potential Policy Levers. 

·       Dominic Hodgkin, Cindy Parks Thomas, Margot Davis, Jennifer Wicks, Shelly Greenfield, Constance Horgan (USA): Financial Impact on Hospitals of Initiating Medications for Opioid Disorder in Emergency Department Settings.

·       Lyoung Hee Kim, Dominic Hodgkin (USA): Effect of the SUPPORT Act on Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) Utilization Among Medicaid Patients with Co-Occurring Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders.

·       Elizabeth Mace, Denise M. Hynes (USA): Access to Treatment for Individuals with Co-Occurring Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorder in the United States: Impact of Medicaid Institutions for Mental Diseases Waivers.


Discussant: Benjamin Le Cook (USA)




Chair: Dhaval Dave (USA)


·       Risha Gidwani, Veronica Yank, Lane Burgette, Aaron Kofner, Steven M. Asch, and Zachary Wagner (USA): The Impact of Telehealth Cost-Sharing on Utilization of Care for Major Depressive Disorder.

·       Kai Miele and Christoph Kronenberg (Germany): Psychotherapy after Mental Health Hospitalization.

·       Risha Gidwani, Veronica Yank, Steven M. Asch, Lane Burgette, Aaron Kofner, Alex Peltz, and Zachary Wagner (USA): High-Deductible Health Plans and Receipt of Evidence-based Care for Persons with Major Depressive Disorder.


Discussants: Marisa Domino (USA), David Bradford (USA), Karoline Mortensen (USA)



Chair: Gareth Hopkin (UK)

·       Ming Tai-Seale (USA): Automatic Response Technology for Mental Health Concerns Using AI.

·       Claire de Oliveira, Hajin Lee, Quynh Pham and Mary Bartram (Canada): Measuring the Economic Impact of Digital Population-Level Mental Health Portals: Considerations and Lessons Learned from Wellness Together Canada.

·       Massimo Moscarelli, Alex Kopelowicz, Martha Shum way, John Torous, Jung-Yun Min, Oscar Chavez, Lizzette Gomez-de-Regil, Luis Salvador-Carulla, Maria Paz Garcia-Portilla Gonzalez, María Montes Gamez, Susana Ochoa, Cristina Romero-Lopez-Alberca, Javer Vazquez Bourgon, Regina Vila-Badia, Alejandra Caqueo Urízar, Felipe Andrés Ponce Correa, Martín Arevalo Flores, Fiorela Whu, Laurent Boyer, Xavier Zendjidjian, Ella Rytik, Daria Zavaley,  Pratap Sharan, Anthony O. Ahmed (Italy): Burden of Presence, Persistence, and Disturbance of the “Passively Received Experiences” of Schizophrenia in Digital Health.

·       Anthony O. Ahmed, Alex Kopelowicz, Martha Shumway, John Torous, Jung-Yun Min, Oscar Chavez, Lizzette Gomez-de-Regil, Luis Salvador-Carulla, Maria Paz Garcia-Portilla Gonzalez, María Montes Gamez, Susana Ochoa, Cristina Romero-Lopez-Alberca, Javer Vazquez Bourgon, Regina Vila-Badia, Alejandra Caqueo Urízar, Felipe Andrés Ponce Correa, Martín Arevalo Flores, Fiorela Whu, Laurent Boyer, Xavier Zendjidjian, Ella Rytik, Daria Zavaley,  Pratap Sharan, Massimo Moscarelli (USA): Psychometric Adequacy and Comparability of the Short and Full Forms of the Passively Received Experiences Scale.


Discussant: Kathleen Carey (USA)



Chair: Giulio Castelpietra (Switzerland)


·       Marie-Josée Fleury, Louis Rochette, Lia Gentil, Guy Grenier, Alain Lesage (Canada): Predictors of Physician Follow-Up Care Among Patients Affected by an Incident Mental Disorder Episode in Quebec (Canada).

·       Leonarda G. M. Bremmers, Leona Hakkaart-van Roijen, Carin A. Uyl-de Grot, Isabelle N. Fabbricotti (NL): Involvement in the Shadows: A Qualitative Study on How Stigma and Systemic Barriers Shape the Experiences of Informal Caregivers in Supporting Loved Ones with Mental Health Disorders.

·       Isaac Parkes (UK): Evaluating a Proposed Psychological Therapy Service for Addiction and Severe Mental Health Problems.

·       Oriana Ciani, Carlo Devillanova, Enrica Finotto, Viviana Mangiaterra, Francesca Meda, Valeria Tozzi (Italy): Integrated Care for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Needs of Children and Youth: A Systematic Overview of Reviews.


Discussant: Mencia Ruiz Gutierrez-Colosia (Spain)



SUNDAY, March 30, 2025




Chair: Sverre Ole Grepperud (Norway)


·       Julia Kern, I. Reinsperger, V. Hofer (Austria): Mental Health Screening of Adults in Primary Care.

·       Michael Berger, Martin Zuba, Judit Simon (Austria): Suburban Blues: A Spatial Panel Data Analysis of Urban-Rural Disparities in Hospital Admissions for Depression in Austria.

·       Julie Cartailler, Zeynep Or & Thomas Rapp (France): Geographic Variations in Efficiency of Mental Healthcare Spending for Young Adults: Role of Local Supply.

·       Diego Diaz-Milanes, Carlos R. Garcia-Alonso & Luis Salvador-Carulla (Spain, Australia): Artificial Gold Standards in Mental Health Services Performance Evaluation: Implementation and Potentialities.


 Discussant: Ruben Drost (NL)




Chair: Leonie Bremmers (NL)

·       Anicet O. Afin and Christine Peyron (France): Determinants of Out-of-Pocket Expenses for Families of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): A Survey Data Analysis.

·       Eija Savolainen, Elisa Rissanen, Anne Surakka, Outi Linnaranta, Mauri Marttunen, Johanna Lammintakanen (Finland): Definitions and Estimations of Adolescents’ Psychosocial Interventions’ Costs in Economic Evaluations: A Systematic Review.

·       Amarech Obse, Paul McCrone, ATTUNE Project team (UK): The Influence of Childhood and Youth Adversity on Lifetime Health and Economic Outcomes.

·       Anne Surakka, Elisa Rissanen, Johanna Lammintakanen (Finland): Supporting Adolescents’ Mental Health in Schools: A Mixed-method Evaluation.


Discussant: Frederick W. Thielen (NL)




·       Gareth Hopkin, Holly Coole, Sophie Cooper, Francesca Edelmann, John Powell, Mark Salmon (UK): Comparing Utilities and Estimates of Cost-Effectiveness from Different Quality of Life Measures in Mental Health: A Systematic Review.

·       Janôt Zinzen, Susan van Hooren, Ruben M.W.A. Drost, Xynthia Kavelaars, Pieter Rohrbach, Viviane Thewissen, Silvia M.A.A. Evers, Jantine Boselie (NL): Why Wait? (Cost-)effectiveness and Process Evaluation Online, Transdiagnostic Positive Psychology Intervention for Patients Awaiting Psychological Treatment and their Loved Ones: Study Protocol for a Dutch RSCD and RCT.           

·       Daniel Heilig, Nataša Perić, Michael Benros, Nicolas Glaichenhaus, Marion Leboyer, Joanna Moussiopoulou, Wolfgang Strube, Alkomiet Hasan, Judit Simon (Austria): Cost-effectiveness of Add-on Celecoxib Treatment in Patients with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders and Inflammatory Cytokine Profile: Economic Evaluation of the TargetFlame Trial.


Discussant: Ben Wijnen (NL)


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